Frequently Asked Questions


How does PWYW work?

Simply put, PWYW means you get to decide how much you want to pay. We never want the cost of a ticket to prevent anyone from seeing high-quality theatre in Los Angeles. Our shows are not free or donation-based, but you get to fill in the blank by deciding what the experience is worth to you. PWYW is an integral part of our goal to make great theatre accessible to all.

Who else does PWYW?

As far as we know, Coeurage Theatre Company is the only performing arts group in Los Angeles to work with an exclusively PWYW model, and one of very few organizations in the country successfully operating on such a model. Other notable PWYW products and companies:

  • 2007: Radiohead released a PWYW digital download of their album "In Rainbows".

  • 2008: Available Light Theatre in Columbus, OH switched to an exclusively PWYW model.

  • 2010: Panera Bread began experimenting with PWYW in several cities across the country.  

  • 2010: The Humble Bundle, an website selling indie games with a PWYW pricing system, was founded.